
Legend of grimrock 2 races
Legend of grimrock 2 races

Here is a min-max party I've been toying with lately: Sure, the exact order of perks depends on your party composition and roles as a medicore (for all other classes) perk coupled with class abilities can mean seriously enhancement of that perk but most of the time with the exception of "Skilled" and "Endurance" there isn't much reason to take the common pool perks.

legend of grimrock 2 races

Most of the race specific perks on the other hand are quite good and at least enough to be over the "Endurance" in the order of utility. Not because of the food consumption (unless you stash most of your food (due to weight) somewhere inaccessible for that moment, there is generally more than enough food available.) but mostly due to the extra 25kg carry weight allowance which is the equivalent of a whopping 8.3 points of str! The only common pool perk that breaks the mold is the "Endurance". (Compared to nearly every other perk, "Skilled" really shines as it allows a bigger or equivalent bonus as well as letting you grab the skill based perks, giving a huge boost to otherwise humdum Humans.)

legend of grimrock 2 races

Only evasive provides a better bonus than it's skill counterpart and depending on how it's calculated, that bonus is either a +2% or +1% percent chance to evade. Same goes for perks like Agressive, Aura, Weapon Specialization and Tough. TBH, I think that compared to a limited selection of choices, most of the basic +2 stat* perks as well as +25 resist 1 perks are not worth picking up.

Legend of grimrock 2 races